Our Stories: An Introduction to South Asian America
Bringing together the voices of sixty-four authors—including a wide range of scholars, artists, journalists, and community members—Our Stories weaves together the myriad histories, experiences, perspectives, and identities that make up the South Asian American community.
Come read the stories that demonstrate the diversity, vibrancy, and power of South Asian Americans.
Chapter 1: Early South Asian American History (pre-1923)
Chapter 2: Forging Lives in Uncertain Times (1923–1965)
Chapter 3: Immigration after the Civil Rights Movement (1965– )
Chapter 4: Post-9/11
Chapter 5: Identity & Equality
Chapter 6: Faith & Religion
Chapter 7: Civic Engagement
Chapter 8: Arts & Popular Culture
Chapter 9: Work, Labor, and Entrepreneurship
Chapter 10: Family
Download the full table of contents & list of insets [PDF]
Collector's Edition (Hardcover): 978-1-7371759-7-1
Print Edition (Paperback): 978-1-7371759-0-2
Digital Edition (EPUB): 978-1-7371759-3-3
OCLC Number / Unique Identifier: 1267516492
Physical Description: xxxv, 441 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Educator Companion for Our Stories
Created by a team of educators, this companion includes discussion questions and activities for educators to utilize Our Stories in high school & college classrooms.
Free digital edition for educators; $15 for print edition.
Companion Website
For further exploration, this website links to relevant resources and additional archival materials tailored to the content in each chapter.
What initially started as a book about community soon became a community of its own. It is only because of the support of that community that this book is in existence today.
We are deeply grateful to the 407 backers who supported Our Stories on Kickstarter, believing in the importance of this project before a single page was written. The generosity of these supporters has ensured that South Asian American stories can now be shared in homes, schools, and libraries across the country.
Our thanks also go to the twenty-two community members who served as early readers for Our Stories, and whose thoughtful feedback improved the book immeasurably.
The hundreds of insets, image captions, and other ancillary materials in this book were primarily authored by two individuals, Imran Siddiquee and Nivetha Karthikeyan. The editor foris Heidi Hill, the design was created by Brian Cook, and the layout was done by Varisa Tantiwasadakran.
In the Wild 🐾
See our community with Our Stories 💕